2017 RECAP

How easy is it to focus on everything you're NOT doing and forget about everything you ARE doing? We are our toughest critics.

2017 was a big year for my personal life-- I left Minneapolis, moved to NYC with my boyfriend, adventured to Vietnam, traveled to 5 weddings...even designed my own first tattoo. It was all a blast. But as a result, I had a lot more down time from my business than I did the year before. Or at least that's how I felt. I found myself with reverse FOMO-- having too much fun in real life, but fearing that I wasn't working hard enough at my business. 

But in reality, 2017 was still a really incredible year for my business. This morning, I started listing out all of my highlights from the year and surprised myself! I worked with over 75 clients to produce logos, Snapchat filters and websites. My designs were published in TWO magazines! At General Mills, I had one campaign and two viral tweets earn national media coverage. WHAT! 

When we write our 2018 resolutions, it's usually a process of "What did I slack on in 2017 that I can improve on in 2018?" We point out all of the things we hate about ourselves or our actions, then hope to fix them in the new year. Go to the gym more (because I was a fatass this year). Finally start my own side hustle (because I was lazy again this year). 

But I challenge you to change the way you reflect on 2017. Start with a positive mindset by focusing on the GREAT things you did this year. Write them all down, from January to December. You'll be surprised by how much you accomplished. Then think about how you can build on it next year. Go to the gym more (because I already lost 10 lbs this year). Finally start my own side hustle (because I came up with an amazing concept this year). Secure 100 clients (because I locked in 75 this year). 

Be proud of yourself, and let it motivate you to be better in 2018. Here are some of the moments I'm most proud of in 2017. Happy New Year! 

SNAPCHAT FILTERS: I pushed myself out of my comfort zone to draw caricature versions of my clients for Snapchat filters. As filters became more common, clients were looking for highly customized designs. I produced 34 filters this year, which earned over 14 MILLION views. 

LOGOS: I developed brand identities for 20 small businesses this year, and in doing so, I found my own design identity. I leaned into using my own drawings and handwriting in designs. I'm proud that all of my designs now have my own signature touch to them.

40oz BOUNCE x HELPERI developed the concept for an experiential event to reach Hamburger Helper's millennial target audience. Partnering with one of the hottest influencers in New York, we turned a branded marketing event into a sold-out party with 600+ attendees, millions of social media impressions and national media recognition. 'Twas very lit. 

Liana Holland2 Comments